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Life Sciences Testing
At IPA Laboratories, we offer testing for the microbiological properties of surface materials with and without antimicrobial coatings.
Our lab has a long history of microbiological testing and research on ceramic tiles, as well as other floor and wall coverings. Additionally, we offer groundbreaking research on photocatalytic antimicrobial surfaces and the antimicrobial effects of various metal oxides in glazes.
We have also added antiviral testing to our list of services. We can use antiviral testing to determine key factors:
- The survival rates/duration of viruses on different surface materials
- The efficacy of common household cleaners in disinfecting those surfaces
Available Tests
ISO 21702 | Antiviral Activity on Plastics & Other Nonporous Surfaces |
ISO 17721-1 | Antibacterial Activity of Ceramic Tile, Antibacterial Agents |
ISO 17721-2 | Antibacterial Activity of Ceramic Tile, Photocatalytic Antibacterial Agents |
ISO 18061 | Antiviral Activity of Photocatalytic Materials |
ISO 18071 | Antiviral Activity of Photocatalytic Materials Under Indoor Lighting Environment |
ISO 22196 | Antibacterial Activity on Plastics & Other Nonporous Surfaces |
ASTM E3031 | Antibacterial Activity on Ceramic Surfaces |
ASTM E1428 | Performance of Antimicrobials in/on Polymeric Solids Against Staining by Streptomyces Species (a Pink Stain Organism) |
ASTM G21 | Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi |
ASTM G29 | Algal Resistance of Polymeric Films |
ISO 27447 | Antibacterial Activity of Semiconducting Photocatalytic Materials |
ISO 22197 | Air-Purification Performance of Semiconducting Photocatalytic Material Part 1: Removal of Nitric Oxide Part 2: Removal of Acetaldehyde Part 3: Removal of Toluene Part 4: Removal of Formaldehyde Part 5: Removal of Methyl Mercaptan |
ISO 13125 | Antifungal Activity of Semiconducting Photocatalytic Materials |
ISO 10678 | Photocatalytic Activity of Surfaces in an Aqueous Medium by Degradation of Methylene Blue |
UNI 11259 | Photocatalytic Activity of Hydraulic Binders – Rhodamine B |
ISO 10993-5 | Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices — Part 5: Tests for In Vitro Cytotoxicity |
ASTM E1053 | Practice To Assess Virucidal Activity of Chemicals Intended for Disinfection |
Broad array of ISO 17025-accredited tests for ASTM, ANSI and ISO standards, as well as customized testing for research and development
Lab staff with over 125 years of combined experience in product evaluation and research
Engineers and scientists on staff, combined with additional collaboration with Clemson University and others
Participation and leadership in more than 20 international standards committees, providing unmatched knowledge into standards and testing methods
Additional Resources
As a desire for material transparency continues to rise, both from consumer demand and sustainability desires, it’s important to better
How would your floors stack up under a 75-year economic cost assessment? As a standards development engineer and quality manager
A water quality crisis rose to the nation’s attention when health issues began to plague the residents of Flint, Michigan